12 ways to pick stocks - ICICIDirect
ICICIDirect has this nice learning series on picking your own Stocks.
12th in the series - Value a company as if for a buy-out
11th in the series - Don't follow the leaders
10th in the series - Value lies in the cash flows
9th in the series - Look for fair-priced offers
8th in the series - Buy Healthy Cyclicals in bad times
7th in the series - Play it safe with yields
6th in the series - Look down, around and then bottom up
5th in the series - Capitalise on emerging businesses
4th in the series - Track earning expectations
3rd in the series - Look beyond the book
2nd in the series - Get rich on free cash
1st in the series - Go big on dividends
Value picks dont start moving immediatly but when they start rallying it just zooms!!