Advani inspired by Obama's Change Theme
LK Advani inspired by Obama's Change Theme, reaches out to 10 crore youth voters by his new website.
When you open the site, a speech from Advani greets you, something on the lines on Obama's Hope over Fear speech, but sadly the speech doesn't create any impact.
You can sign up for alerts on email & SMS, Check out the Campaign trail,join the NDA volunteer network.
The Site is neatly done and smooth and its nice effort from BJP to start the 2009 Campaign on the Online Front.
Some suggestions :-
GPS systems to track the Toyota Rath Yatra's :)
Pages on Facebook
Create Groups on Mytoday or SMS Ghupshup
Add Paypal (legal donations)
My Personal Views :-
Advani seems to be a changed man from Right wing Hawk to Moderate.
Ram Mandir doesn't seem to be a issue in 2009
Age might be a factor against him (He will be 82 next year)
BJP opposed the Nuclear Deal
People are fed up of the Religious Politics
I wish BJP & Congress learnt some politics from US & worked together to stop the violence and killings happening all over India in the name of Religion & Region.
Can we have a 2 party system?
Wonder what Congress' Response gonna be?, Should be fun :)