Da day so far.......rather games done so far..
Got a hot stock tip from KK - Buy United western bank (Rs 45) ... seemed like a good buy as it ahd a bookvalue of Rs 90...
Had to sell some shares to take position, So i sold Timken, TISCO, Centurian bank.
I've nearly finished reading da Da Vinci code .. one heluva suspense thriller... have been doin my own cyprotolgy stuff on google trying to find out more on the Grail and the Opus Dei.
I sincerely feel that Monday's should be a national holiday... its byfar the most boring day of the week.
I've downloaded Edonkey to download some cool hindi music and movies but my only fear is the viruses that come along wid it.
I feel really sorry for the CEO of Baaze.com , poor chap is in jail for the famous DPS sex scandal, there's a petition to save him http://www.petitiononline.com/baazee/petition.html I think i will sign da petition as i feel our cops should arrest people who have done more henious crimes and killing people in the name of religion and caste.