Matka........Aaamchi Mumbai
I'm posting this mail for a friend from Goa who wrote to me....
Hello Mr. Satish Vijaykumar
I am from Goa, just visited your site.
Its quite interesting, but the most fascinating thing for me was the fact that you used to play Matka. I am trying my luck in this field.. So if u have some tricks to guess the winning number for Bombay or Kalyan, plz help me out with that
my reply hi chanakya, first of all let me tell you I love goa :)) If your investments amount is less you can play matka or play online 15 rajlakhsmi lotto... If you are investing long term, with hard earned money ... I suggest you avoid matka and try investing in long term equities in the stock market... cheers satish now more on Matka :))
Matka is a form of gambling that originated in Mumbai or Bombay as it was known then.
It started around the same time as the closure of the cotton exchange figures of opening and closing that used to be transmitted to India and was gambled on.
It was started by a gentleman called Ratan Khatri. The way it operated was very simple.
Mr Khatri would draw three cards at 9:00pm and the face value of the cards would be totalled up.
for example if the three cards were the Ace of Spades, five of hearts and 9 of clubs. The opening number would be a sum of the three cards 1+5+9 = 15 The opening number would be 5 the display on the walls of selected sites would show a "matka" or pot with the following legend
159 5x
if 2, 3 and 4 was the next three cards drawn at 12 midnight,the final display a few minutes after mid night would be 159 5x9 234
betting takes place or used to take place on all the numbers, i.e. 159 or 234 or 59 or even 5 or 9 or the whole nine yards (all of them). bettin on 5 or 9 know as the open and close in this example are the only returns i know of, for a 25 paise bet the returns were Rs 2.25.
The bookies and it operated on kind of franchise, ( sorry MCDonalds we had a franchise before you) if the betting was heavy on particuar number and the punters won bookies were known to have disappeared overnight.
The term in Bombay - "Matka lagi" signifying a windfall originates here. Of course it wasnt legal but who knows it was possibly the precursor of organised crime.
There is no system and of course for a small sum of money you could buy tip sheets for the gullible. There is no system save two to make money on the Matka.
First bet on either the open or close numbers. If a bet does not pay dividends, double your bet for the same number the next day and keep doubling until the payout. One of the ten numbers does have to show up. The possibility of picking a pair and its permutations and combinations would be horrendous enough to send a Cray into a tailspin.
The second system I keep the money to your self it will grow if u dont throw it away :-)
Inputs courtesy Ravi (Bombay Central) My freind PAkoo's uncle Gokul used to run a Matka adda in Shivaji Nagar (Behind I. C Church) and my Friend Bala still plays it non stop since 15 yrs.... the biggest matka he has had was winning 750 bucks on a 5 bucks game .... He is my guide on this subject, For me its pure mathemathics and permu n Combu , and some excel sheets :)) ......... I guess i'm more into into P/e, Reserves, Bonus games and stock tips :))