Partners in crime?
Partners in crime?
A FAIRLY crowded BEST bus leaving from Colaba saw a man occupying the seat
that’s meant only for ladies.
At one of the bus-stops along the way, a young lady boarded the bus and asked
the gentleman to vacate the seat. The man started grumbling. Then shouting.
‘‘If you ask the woman on the other side to vacate her seat, I will do so as
well,’’ he said.
The woman decided to shut up and continued standing. At the Jijamata Udyan bus
stop, the man alighted. So did the woman sitting across the aisle from him. As
they began chatting and walking off, the woman on the bus was left wondering if
this was another of the city’s scams.
One thing is for sure in Bombay paisa mango milega, dil manga milega, seat
maango... sorry boss!!!