Please bugg me!!
I don't agree with this news in Mumbai Mirror
Dr Harsh Pathak filed a PIL that resulted in the February 7, 2005 order, the petitioner had called spam calls "an invasion of privacy and a violation of the right to live a peaceful life (Article 21 of the Constitution)." Vivek Tankha, senior advocate who appeared on behalf of the petitioner, said "unsolicited calls for a loan, card or even a new connection impaired the fundamental rights of citizens."
He wanted a ban on the calls by the Tele marketers.
I think this is total double standard one one side you wanted to make India into a Global back office outsourcing and support centre and on the other hand you don't want these guys to do the same thing in India itself.
I agree it can be little annoying at times, but Banning is not the solution ... you have already banned Ladies bars and Concerts. The best solution would be to create a nation-wide list of junta who are open to Tele-Agents calling them and a list of Snobs & Busy People, the companies can give prizes and gifts to those who sign up for it.
There are Lakhs if not millions who are indirectly earning a dignified living doing this job.
Its not a easy job to convince somebody over the phone sitting thousands of miles away, the tele-agents who became an election issue in the USA definitely need support, If not the worlds' at least Indians can support them.
As for me I'm out of India now but I'm really missing the Tele-Marketing agent's bugging calls :))
List of things we rather have banned
Noisy Religious/Political Rallies
Dharna/ Morchas/Hartal/ Bandh
Communal riots
scratching/spitting/pissing/shitting/fcuking in public
Naxalites, Ranvir Sena & Maowadis
Pseudo Animal Right activists
Feki Bowling in Cricket
Babugiri and Corruption