Qualcomm Ventures QPrize Competition
More than $500,000 in Early Stage Financing for Companies and Entrepreneurs
Qualcomm Ventures Launches QPrize Business Plan Competition Supporting Global Entrepreneurship
QPrize is an initiative to identify and strengthen novel business ideas while in the concept stage.
Business Sectors
QPrize competition is open to international entrants whose business plans accelerate wireless technology development in the following business sectors:
• Consumer/enterprise applications and services
• Communication devices
• Semiconductor and component technologies
• Mobile platforms
• Digital media and content
• Healthcare technologies and services
• CleanTech
Additional details on candidate eligibility and submission guidelines are available at www.qprize2009.com
May 7th, 2009                  Public Launch July 31st, 2009                Deadline for submitting completed business plans August 28th, 2009              Notifications will be sent to all semi-finalists September 2009                India Regional event to pick India Region Winner October 16th, 2009             Deadline for submitting revised business plans for the final competition November, 2009                 Finals at San Diego, CA
For more information, please visit www.qualcomm.com/ventures
The Qualcomm Ventures QPrizeâ„¢ competition is open to entrepreneurs in India, North America, Europe and China and will provide US$550,000 in total seed funding to help entrepreneurs transform their innovative business plans into reality. India Regional winner will receive US$100,000 of convertible note funding. The India Regional Winner will also have the opportunity to compete with other Regional winners for a Grand Prize of an additional US$150,000 of convertible note funding.