sleepy sunday...
woke up at 1.30 pm
had breaker puri bhaji and big cuppa red label chai....
then checked mail , replied to a few, got requests from around the world for Yahoo 360! invites, including one who snet an anonymous post on my blog.. had to go to his site and leave a message...
3.30 back to zzzzz
5.30 game of cricket in da bldg...
I have the bat, so i get to bat first.... out first ball duck... bowled... fought saying trial ball so got 2 balls to play...
second innings was better, survived 4 balls before hitting the ball outside the bldg, which is out :(
then watched the Truman Show on HBO, 2 packets of Kurkure, Vada Sambhar and Wafers...
and now back online... trying to solve the problems on the world with my PIV machine...