What can I do on my daily commute in the Mumbai Local that can change my life?
My answer on Quora to the question.
10 things that I do, Some of them you can explore :-
Watch TED: Ideas worth spreading
Read Books
Finish back 2 back episodes of House of Cards and other TV series
Analyse stocks on Stock Screener (India) - Screener.in
If you have an iPad, Learn and do some cool sketching on Paper | FiftyThree
Check on indie music on Share Your Sounds Sound Cloud
You can answer questions on http://www.quora.com
Learn a new language on Duolingo Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free
Blog or Write your stories.
Talk to other commuters, they might turn out to be your best friends of life.
And yes, If you don't get a seat you can still check Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and play the most difficult game on the planet Swing Copters Android Apps on Google Play